Social work student’s placement with 24 Hour Surgery

Undertaking a Bachelor of Social Work with the University of Canterbury, Nikki Nute is currently on placement at 24 Hour Surgery for 16 weeks.

Nikki’s background has been working as a Child Health Coordinator at Pegasus Health, working with children and their whānau through the Child Health Support Service – a service that aims to improve the health, social and behavioural needs of children up to 17 years old.

Nikki has been temporarily released from this role to complete her placement at 24 Hour Surgery. Part of her placement will involve providing social and support work to the team and their patients, being available for consults with staff around their patients to help navigate pathways, assist with patient follow ups, assess needs and create plans for on going support.

“I am excited to be placed at 24 Hour Surgery for my first social work placement as I work towards my Bachelor of Social Work,” says Nikki.

She will be working on projects during this time centred around mental health and transport which Jasmine MacKay, Clinical Director, says she is keen to explore with 24 Hour Surgery.

“Gaps have been found around the availability of services that provide free transport. There are costs associated with most options and they often need to be booked in advance,” says Nikki.

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