Patient Satisfaction Survey
The survey should be completed by the person who was cared for by the 24 Hour Surgery team or by the caregiver of a child. If you need help to complete the survey, the answers should be given by your support person from your point of view.
As a consumer of a health and disability support service, you are entitled to have the following rights met:
- To be treated with respect, dignity, and independence
- Freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment, and exploitation
- To receive services and support of an appropriate standard
- To effective communication
- To make an informed choice and give informed consent
- To make a complaint.
Make a formal complaint
We strive to provide excellent service, however if you are unsatisfied with your visit to 24 Hour Surgery we would like to hear from you. We view complaints as an opportunity to educate staff and take steps to improve our service.
We take your feedback seriously and complaints are dealt with promptly by an audit committee. The complaints process is described in the complaints procedure brochure available to download or by phoning the Complaints Officer on 03 365 7777.
Download complaints procedure (PDF, 260KB)
Alternative ways to place feedback
Email your feedback
Email your feedback to
Please note: This email address is not monitored out of business hours (Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm) and does not provide health advice. If you need clinical advice, you can phone your general practitioner 24/7, and your call will be answered by a nurse, who can advise what to do and where to go. Alternatively, you can free-phone Healthline on 0800 611 116 for health advice.

Fill out a feedback form
Fill out a feedback form available at the surgery and post it in the drop box opposite the reception desk.

Write a letter
Write a letter and post it to us at 24 Hour Surgery, PO Box 3065, CHRISTCHURCH 8140

Call to speak to the complaints officer
Call 03 365 7777 and ask to speak to our complaints officer.
We will try to get back to you on the same or following day. All feedback receives a written response within five working days.
We may need to access your patient information that was recorded by staff who were involved in your care.
What happens next?
Your feedback will be looked over by a senior clinical staff member and our clinical audit committee. The committee may contact the staff involved in your visit, view your treatment record and other relevant information.
They will then contact you to discuss your concerns and talk over the outcome.
If you need help (advice or support in making your complaint), the Health and Disability Advocacy Service is available to you. This service is available free of charge.
If you are unhappy with the result of our investigation you can contact the Health and Disability Commissioner, who may re-investigate your complaint.
Health and Disability Advocacy Service
Phone: 03 377 7501 Christchurch Office
Free phone: 0800 555 050 Advocacy Nationwide
Health and Disability Commissioner’s Office
Phone: 0800 11 22 33
PO Box 11934
Wellington 6142
New Zealand