Canterbury Clinical Network (CCN)
The Canterbury Clinical Network was disestablished in June 2024. You can find some of the associated service teams, including Shared Care Planning, Community Respiratory Service, and the Primary Care Taskforce now hosted on the Pegasus Health website.
Service teams now hosted by Pegasus Health
Shared Care Planning
Shared Care Planning is a cross-sector programme that works across all primary health organisations (PHOs), secondary care, and community care in Te Waipounamu South Island.

Community Respiratory Service
The Community Respiratory Service are a programme working with Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) in Waitaha Canterbury to help people with breathing disorders.

Primary Care Taskforce
The Primary Care Taskforce was established in February 2023 to provide leadership to initiatives or models of care that improve access to acute and unplanned care for our populations most in need by relieving primary care capacity pressures.